Problems with Stair Treads-Stainless Steel Patterned Plate

1 Bar Stainless steel checkered plate

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Problems with Stair Treads-Stainless Steel Patterned Plate

Problems with Stair Treads

Stainless Steel Patterned Plate Processing Treads

Stainless steel patterned plates are popular for stair treads due to their attractive appearance, anti-skid properties, enhanced performance, and material savings. These plates are commonly used in transportation, construction, 장식, machinery, shipbuilding, and other industries. Users generally do not demand high mechanical properties from these plates. Instead, quality is measured by pattern formation rate, pattern height, and uniformity. Standard market thicknesses range from 2.0 to 8 mm, with widths of 1250 그리고 1500 mm.

Solving Stair Tread Issues-Stainless Steel Patterned Plate

To solve stair tread problems, ensure the wooden board is securely welded and fixed, maintaining its thickness. Reliable welding is crucial. Typically, anti-skid steel plates are used as supports for wooden steps, with triangular supports welded underneath. If the angle iron supports more than 70% of the wooden step area, stability is ensured. For additional stability, triangular supports can be welded under the angle steel, covering 50% of its length.

테다강화금속 -17 연령

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