Avoid Problems When Welding Stainless Steel

Welding Stainless Steel

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Avoid Problems When Welding Stainless Steel

Important Precautions

Familiarity with stainless steel processing is common, but knowing the specifics of welding is crucial to avoid serious issues.

Safety Gear

  • Avoid Rubber Gloves: High temperatures can melt rubber gloves, causing hand injuries. Use appropriate protective gear instead.

Workspace Preparation

  • Clear the Table: Ensure the cleaning table is free of objects that could interfere with your work.
  • Clean the Welding Rod: Wash the welding rod before use to ensure a clean weld.
  • Use Protected Hands: Do not touch the workpiece with unprotected hands during welding.

Welding Process

  • Team Work: Always have at least two professionals present during welding to prevent accidents.
  • Post-Welding Clean-Up: Clean the workbench and remove any protective film. Use professional stainless steel tools to prevent iron filings from sticking.

General Caution

Stainless steel welding is hazardous, so operate with care and attention to detail.

Kim loại Teda Ganghua -17 năm
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