China’s Stainless Steel Trade in May

Stainless Steel Coil Equipment Factory

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China’s Stainless Steel Trade in May

China’s Stainless Steel Trade in May

Tổng quan

In May, China’s net stainless steel exports increased significantly. The General Administration of Customs recently released the import and export statistics for stainless steel and major raw materials for the month.


China’s stainless steel imports were 174,400 tons in May, marking a 10.14% decrease from the previous month (19,700 tons) but a 23.05% increase year-on-year (32,700 tons). Imports from Indonesia were 148,000 tons, down by 10.84% month-on-month (18,000 tons) but up by 28.81% year-on-year (33,100 tons).

From January to May, total stainless steel imports reached 976,600 tons, a 34.75% increase year-on-year (251,800 tons). Imports from Indonesia accounted for 848,000 tons, a 53.79% year-on-year increase (296,600 tons).


China’s stainless steel exports were 457,700 tons in May, up 16.56% month-on-month (65,000 tons) and 29.99% year-on-year (105,600 tons). From January to May, total exports were 1.912 million tons, reflecting a 12.77% year-on-year increase (216,500 tons).

Net Exports

In May, net stainless steel exports were 283,300 tons, a 42.64% increase month-on-month (84,700 tons) and a 34.67% increase year-on-year (72,900 tons). From January to May, total net exports were 935,500 tons, a 3.64% decrease year-on-year (35,400 tons).

Scrap Stainless Steel Imports

In May, scrap stainless steel imports were 10,050 tons, a 19.45% increase month-on-month (1,600 tons) but a 60.59% decrease year-on-year (15,400 tons). From January to May, total imports of scrap stainless steel were 48,200 tons, a 71.02% decrease year-on-year (118,000 tons).

Kim loại Teda Ganghua -17 năm
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