
310S Stainless Steel Sheet


Alloy 310 (UNS S31000) is an austenitic stainless steel designed for high-temperature corrosion-resistant applications. It resists oxidation up to 2010°F (1100°C) under mildly cyclic conditions.

Key Features

  • High-Temperature Resistance: Withstands oxidation up to 2010°F (1100°C).
  • Corrosion Resistance: High chromium and moderate nickel content make it resistant to sulfidation and suitable for moderately carburizing atmospheres.


  • Thermal Process Equipment: Requires nickel alloys like 330 (UNS N08330) for severe carburizing environments.
  • Slightly Oxidizing, Nitriding, and Cementing Conditions: Suitable for use with reduced maximum service temperatures.
  • Cryogenic Applications: Low magnetic permeability and toughness down to -450°F (-268°C).




产品名称 310S Stainless Steel Sheet
尺寸 长度: 按要求 ; 宽度: 1000/1219/1500mm 冷轧用 ;1500/1800/2000mm 热轧 按要求
优势 公差小; 规格齐全; 认证齐全; 价格合理,品质优良
我们的服务 中国一站式供应商; 经验丰富的销售人员; 满意的包装和运输

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