
316Ti Stainless Steel Sheet


Stainless steel 316Ti is a typical molybdenum-bearing grade, valued for its properties in austenitic stainless steels.

About Rexton Sheet & Alloys

Rexton Sheet & Alloys is a trusted and reliable vendor, manufacturer, and trader of stainless steel 316Ti plates. Our professional team, with years of experience, produces high-quality stainless steel plates to meet client needs.

Applications and Ordering

These plates are ideal for numerous essential applications. To place an order or for more information, contact our customer care helpline. Affordable pricing is guaranteed.


316Ti stainless steel sheet



产品名称 316Ti Stainless Steel Sheet
尺寸 长度: 按要求 ; 宽度: 1000/1219/1500mm 冷轧用 ;1500/1800/2000mm 热轧 按要求
优势 公差小; 规格齐全; 认证齐全; 价格合理,品质优良
我们的服务 中国一站式供应商; 经验丰富的销售人员; 满意的包装和运输

我们还提供折弯等定制加工服务, 切割, 焊接, 和开模.