Stainless Steel Checker Plate 3mm Thick For Architectural Wall Lining


Stainless steel checker plate, alternatively known as stainless steel checkered plate, is crafted from hot-rolled stainless steel sheets, boasting superior physical and chemical attributes, resistance to slipping, and a contemporary decorative appeal.

Checkered Patterns

  • One bar
  • Three bar
  • Five bar
  • Diamond, etc.


These plates and sheets find optimal utility in equipment, catwalks, flooring, ramps, stairs, walkways, and architectural endeavors.




产品名称 Stainless Steel Checker Plate 3mm Thick For Architectural Wall Lining
尺寸 长度: 按要求 ; 宽度: 1000/1219/1500mm 冷轧用 ;1500/1800/2000mm 热轧 按要求
优势 公差小; 规格齐全; 认证齐全; 价格合理,品质优良
我们的服务 中国一站式供应商; 经验丰富的销售人员; 满意的包装和运输

我们还提供折弯等定制加工服务, 切割, 焊接, 和开模.


